English Touring Opera — Autumn 2016 Season

ETO’s mantra is “Opera that moves” and aims to offer opera to everyone, with a varied repertoire of high-quality professional productions featuring some of the finest talent in opera.

The Autumn 2016 season tour focuses on Baroque opera from Venice including performances of Monteverdi’s Ulysses’ Homecoming and Handel’s Xerxes and Cavalli’s La Calisto. Plus also a concert tour in cathedrals and concert halls around the country of JS Bach’s St John Passion in collaboration with over 30 choirs.

The look and feel used the iconic image of Filippo Albacini’s classical sculpture The Wounded Achilles, which has been modified and “accessorized” to add a modern twist for dramatic effect.

The concept was applied to a wide range of poster formats, as well as flyers and the audience programmes.