We enjoy working with clients who value and appreciate good design, and know the importance of talking to their audiences in a coherent, engaging and unique way.

Below are a few of the like-minded people we’ve loved working with.

Charities / Not-for-profit
Alzheimer’s Research UK
Brighton Food Factory (pro bono)
Chapter One
Gurkha Welfare Trust
Paula Carr Diabetes Trust
Plantlife International
Team Ben Hammond (pro bono)
Tenterden Counselling Service
The Country Trust
Wealden Literary Festival

British Council Europe
CILIP (The library and information association)
Creative Education Trust
International Higher Education Commission
Queen Street Group
University of Bristol
UUKI (Universities UK International)

Public Sector
Ashford Borough Council
Kent County Council
Tenterden Town Council
Tunbridge Wells Borough Council
Visit Kent

SMEs / Corporate
AA Clifton
Becky Mursell Photography
Collins & Hoy Solicitors
Dewar Green
Family Mediation Network
Fenner Paper Company
Fiona Quinlan – Infant Sleep Consultant
Get Fruitful Marketing
Hopkins Van Mil
Institute of Theatre Consultants
Withers LLP

Sport & the Arts
England Athletics
English Touring Opera
Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
Philharmonia Orchestra
The Company
The Holburne Museum

Science & Technology
CaSE (Campaign for Science & Engineering)
Institution of Environmental Sciences
International Union of Nutritional Sciences
MRC London Institute of Medical Sciences (LMS)
NERC (Natural Environment Research Council)
Publicis Lifebrands Resolute
Rothamsted Research
Royal College of Pathologists
Royal Society of Biology
Shake Climate Change
The Nutrition Society
UK Plant Science Federation
UKRI (UK Research and Innovation)

La Grange dans la Foret

Retail / Wholesale
Love Poppet
Morghew Park Estate
Natural Wood Company
Nonington Farms
Palmstead Nurseries
Sylvia & Terry Fine Chocolates
Town & Country Homecare