Author / Nick Vincent

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  • More about us (in case you wondered)

    Having met at the University of Northumbria (in Newcastle-upon-tyne), Claire and Nick studied Graphic Design BA and graduated in 1997. After graduation they immediately moved down to London seeking their first jobs in the creative industries. Keen and excited to experience the “bright lights” and put their training into practice. Claire was very quickly snapped…

  • What is working with Vincent Design like?

    Local historian Jane Mills explains how this community project came together, and how the collaboration developed. The Tenterden Family Fun Trail arose from two initial ideas. Firstly, the Secretary of the Tenterden & District Local History Society had always had a wish to make the town’s history more accessible for children and families. Secondly, in…

  • The Potato Shop

    Meet the Queen of all things Potato

    Why would a potato shop need a multi-coloured logo? And does locally-grown produce need a locally-grown designer? Writer Fiona Thompson finds out. What Nicki Crawley doesn’t know about Britain’s favourite carbohydrate isn’t worth knowing. Nicky’s official job title is ‘Queen of all things Potato’ at Morghew Park Estate in Tenterden. Morghew covers 1,900 acres of…

  • The trusty notepad

    I stumbled across a great article today which brilliantly raises one of my bug bares when I attend a meeting. And I’ve sat in hundreds of meetings with plenty of lovely clients and fascinating suppliers. Laptop lovers look away now. But when someone spends the duration of the time together tapping away on their laptops,…

  • Running for Team Ben Hammond

    This post is slightly different from the usual design opinion/news we post on our blog. But Team Ben Hammond has become incredibly important to us at Vincent Design over the past few months. And so with that in mind; I thought we’d explain what we’re doing because you’ll undoubtedly be hearing more about it, and…

  • Love letters

    I make no apologies for this posts sentimental tone and ‘old skool’ subject! Today the very well-thumbed Letraset catalogue was being used (and has pride of place on our shelves in the studio) as a reference tool to quickly flick through for typographic inspiration as a one-stop-shot of letters. Even though obviously online you can…

  • 82 days to go (don’t sigh)

    It’s that time of year again. We are beginning to brainstorm ideas for the Vincent Design surprise Christmas mailer, which we send to all our lovely clients and close friends. In previous years we have produced a selection of delicious macarons (see above) made by our good friends Sylvia & Terry – Fine Chocolate makers. Another…

  • Signs of our Times

    On our travels we often come across weird and wonderful signs or “wayfinding systems”, which sometimes raise a smile. And most often the handmade low-fi ones prove to be the best.     The one below was recently found whilst visiting the new Olympic stadium in Stratford (we particularly liked the bold, simple use of…

  • Protecting Theatres

    A little shout out to one of our long-standing clients: Theatres Trust who hosted their annual conference on Tuesday 21 June 2016 at New Theatre London. If you’d like to know more about it please visit their website. They do amazing work every year within the planning area, particularly raising awareness through their Theatre at…